Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Lava tube (google it). Very cool.
The glow of the lava in the dark.

The lava rock is very light.
There are tunnels in the lava.We found a black sand beach with Green Back turtles. They climb up on the beach to rest.
The lava flows from up on the mountain.

Latley we have been travaling a lot. First we flew from Winnipg to Vancover. There we met up with my uncle Corey. We had to wait in the airport for 6 and a half hours befor we could board the plane to Hawaii. When we finally got on the plane we found out that there were no T.Vs on the plane, well there was one t.v. near the front but I could barely see it. Finaly after 7 hours we landed. Once we got a taxi to our hotell we diched our stuff and went to the beach. Sadly it was raining most of the time. After a while of running around on and off of the beach we decided to go to a store to get some stuff for supper. We got salsa, nachos and some banana. Once we were finished supper we went to bed.

In the morning we got up and it was raining again. After a fast bite to eat we cought a bus to the air port. The plane we took was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. When we landed we had to try to find the place where we rented a car but of course we couldn't find the place so we had to rent another one. So we started to drive to our hotel and i thought it would take an hour because when ever we drive we never find the place we are looking for but lukily i was wrong, and we found it right away. Once we got there it was late so we ate supper and wached a movie until we (me my mom amd miranda) were tired then went to sleep.

In the morning we had a complimentary (i don't now if i spelt that right because we don't have spell check and my parents are ignoring me.) breakfast. Then we went to this old volcano to see the lava, sadly it stopped flowing two months ago. But there was a lava tube we could go in. When I went in it was very wet and cold. once we got to the end we went through a hole to the top and then we drove to this beach where there are turtles. When we got there, we saw a green back turtle. When we were there we saw a lady selling green sand and we asked where she got it. She said that you had to go to a differnt beach and hike in three miles. When we looked at the map it showed where it was. So we drove as close as we could and started walking. Along the way we met some people how said it took two hours to walk there. Once we got there it only took 45 minutes. So we took a littel green sand and left. Once we got back it only took one and a half hours. After that it was dark so we went to the volcano and saw the glowing lava. And thats what we have been doing for the last four days.


  1. Whew, but no jumping into the hot stuff! Love it Colton. Can hardly wait to read more.

    Have fun adventuring for all of us,
    Ms. Sara

  2. WOW that lava tube looks so cool! I don't really know what a Lava Tube is but I like the name! Is it a tube where lava flows through? What if lava started flowing through when you were in it? That would be scary! I would hope that some greenback turtles would come and give me a ride to safety! Did you steal that massive lava rock from the park? Hmm.. that wouldn't be noticable at all! Sounds like alot of fun out there.. more fun than Altona. :( Bye!

  3. I like the Greenbacks,they are hugh.

  4. Your spelling is better that mine!,,lol

  5. Great pictures Colton. Sounds like the beginnings of a great adventure for you.

    We picked up the black puppy from Kevin and Jackies the other day. Apparently she is the smartest dog ever. We are trying to train her not to go on the neighbors yard so we put her in the dog run for night which she has managed to get out off 3 nights in a row. The first night she managed to open the gate! We realize she also does not like driving - she puked and peed in the van during the journey home. Next time maybe she should get gravol LOL.
    Take care and keep us up to date on the journey. Will miss you in TWIGS!
